Common Questions
How do I book Daycare or Grooming? You can start by clicking the link below to create a profile and schedule services. Bookings can also be created by calling or texting. (781)335-3335.
Questions & Answers
What are your hours?
Monday- Friday 6:30 A.M. -7:30 P.M.
Monday- Friday 8:00 A.M. -3:00 P.M.
Saturday - Sunday
(Grooming (By Appointment Only)
Is there an age limit?
At SPS&DS we do not cap playtime at a certain age. All dogs engage at different levels and will be placed in a group according to their temperament and daily energy.
How do I book reservation?
You can create a profile through our booking software Gingr. This online portal will allow customers to book reservations, cancel reservations, upload immunization records, and add new pups. If technology is not your friend, feel free to call and set up your profile or schedule reservations over the phone with us.
What vaccines are required for daycare?
Vaccinations: No exceptions! All puppies 5 months and younger must have proof of at least 2 DHPP vaccines, updated canine cough vaccine (Bordatella), and negative fecal test, all at least 10 days prior to attendance. All dogs 5 months and older must have proof of a current DHPP, Rabies, and current on the semi-annual (every 6 months) canine cough vaccine (Bordatella), and a negative fecal, which requires a 2-day wait after updating before attendance. Though not mandatory, we also strongly recommend that your pet receive the Leptospirosis vaccine and 2-part canine bivalent influenza vaccine.
Fleas, Ticks, and Parasites: All dogs that play and board at SPS & DS must be flea, tick, and parasite free. Thus, any pet that is seen with any of the fore- mentioned problems will be treated at the owner's expense.
Dog daycare evaluation
To schedule your dog for an evaluation for daycare, first, you must register to make an account by clicking on “book now”. Daycare evaluations will be charged $45.00 for a single day. Drop off must be completed no later than 10 A.M. and pick up to occur anytime during our normal hours of operation. We also require a 4-hour minimum to see how your dog interacts with the pack. Once you have registered you are able to log into your account at any time to make an appointment for an evaluation or book future reservations once your dog is cleared to attend. After the evaluation, we will verbally explain how your dog did on their first day.
Are there any breed restrictions?
We are happy to welcome any dog that is able to play with our pack and display
How can SPS & DS be contacted?
Does my dog have to spayed or neutered?
Grooming: Dogs will not be in contact with other dogs, there is no requirement.
Daycare: All dogs over the age of 6 months must be spayed and neutered for the safety of the pack.
What are groooming vaccine requirements?
To maintain a safe, comfortable environment, we require all pets to be current on their rabies vaccinations and to wait at least 48 hours after any vaccinations before checking in. Proof of rabies vaccination in the form of paperwork is required. The waiting period helps to ensure your pet isn't sore at the injection site, which can cause irritability or lethargy. This waiting period also is to prevent stressing a pet who may be experiencing an unexpected allergic reaction from a vaccine/vaccination.
Are employees trained in Pet First Aid?
Yes, all employees are certified in dog CPR and First Aid. There is a Medical kit on site that can be used if needed. We take pride in our working relationship with South Coastal Animal Health which is located less than a half mile down Rt. 18.
Is the facility climate controlled?
Yes, both large dog and small dog play areas will be at a comfortable temperature for play.
Its my dogs first day at daycare, what do I bring.
Simple, just bring our furry new friend. We ask that they have a properly fitting flat collar with identification. We will ask you to take the leash with you and return with it for pick up.
Why are grooming rates not posted?
Each dog is different requiring a spectrum of prices based on many factors. Some of these major factors include Size, Hair type, Temperament, Matting and difficulty.